Dying to
Ride supports the Annual Service of Remembrance. The
Annual Service of Remembrance is sponsored by RoadPeace, North East.
Teresa Mills Davenport, the founder of Dying to Ride,
has been invited to speak at this years Service of
Remembrance on November 4th at 10:30 am at Durham
Cathedral. Please join us for this years Annual
Remembrance. |
Every year across the world in November services are
held for victims of road crashes. It is part of the
World Day of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims.
At RoadPeace
North East we seek to provide support to victims of road
crashes and their families, friends and communities.
Serious and fatal road crashes are sudden and unnatural,
leaving those affected not knowing where to turn to.
RoadPeace North East is there to help those in the
region. |
was founded in the
Loving Memory of Rob Mills, 2010
DYING TO RIDE was founded to save lives of motorcyclists by creating an
awareness of motorcycles among drivers of other vehicles. If we save
one life, the loss of our brothers and sisters will not be in
vain.....Teresa Mills Davenport
Lord, we have mourned, and continue to remember and mourn the sudden
loss of our brothers and sisters. Show us, Lord, the immense
power of
Your goodness, and strengthen our belief that they are in Your
In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.